Self-Paced: Oneview

This training compares the GOI and Oneview interfaces, emphasizing differences and similarities. The Oneview course explores its web-based interface, enabling users to configure workspaces and panel displays effortlessly.

Self-Paced – GOI/Oneview Comparison: The GOI and Oneview Functionality Comparison course provides the student with a comparison between the GOI interface and the new Minsait ACS Oneview interface. It will show the student the differences and similarities between the two interfaces.

Self-Paced – Oneview: Oneview is a web-based interface application that can be accessed by any device that has access to a SCADA network and is capable of running the Google Chrome web browser. The Oneview interface provides the user with the ability to configure many aspects of the appearance of the workspaces and panel displays using a drag and drop functionality to place, arrange and remove the interactive panels in the interface.o

Delivery Format: On-demand, online 24/7

Prerequisites: None

Who Should Attend:  Anyone operating or administering a system who needs an overview of Oneview

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