Advanced Control System’s Centrix vs. Irma

Centrix fault detection, isolation and restoration saves 82 million customer minutes in a day.

Hurricane Irma challenged the operations of a regional utility with the widest spread storm ever to hit the state in one day. The utility operates an automated feeder restoration system from Advanced Control Systems which detects service faults caused by the storm, then isolates the faulted network segments and restores power through its self-healing technology, within seconds.

This technology saved – in one day – 82 million customer minutes that would have been interrupted by long term outages caused by Irma. The previous five-year total saved 67 million customer outage minutes using Centrix. ACS’ Centrix with Fault Detection Isolation and Restoration protected 763 feeders, serving 1.3 million customer meters. In total, 78,963 customers were restored through Centrix self-healing networks.